Friday, January 31, 2014

My Experiences With Wine

Anyone who knows me knows I'm more of a beer guy. Not like cheap whatever is on sale, but crafts or imports (though I enjoy mass produced light beers too). Wine is more of a foreign concept to me, though I've drank it before. I'd say that there are some similarities between tasting wine and tasting a good beer, there can be layers of flavors and textures.

I know from tasting wine so far that I enjoy bolder fruit flavors and tend to go more towards sweeter wines instead of dry wines. Not to say I like them super sweet (moscato), but more of a slightly sweet if anything. As long as it isn't dry, chances are I will probably like it. Some types I know that I like are Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Chardonnay, and Merlot.

I'm taking this class mainly to broaden my knowledge of wine. As stated earlier, I know plenty about beer and I'm also somewhat of a bourbon drinker, but I want to be able to know my way around a bottle of wine as well. I think that not only is it a very important social skill, but that there is also plenty to learn about wine itself.

Also on a side-note, these default templates suck. Need to make this blog look better somehow.

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